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Navarre Bible: Old Testament Complete Set

Navarre Bible: Old Testament Complete Set

Regular price $481.00 CAD
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The Navarre Bible Old Testament is a compilation of the full biblical text used in the Revised Standard Version (RSV) as well as the New Vulgate. The faculties of theology at the University of Navarre have included extensive commentaries and notes to help the reader better understand the doctrinal and practical meanings of the sacred text. Sources such as official Catholic Church documents and prominent scriptural interpretations from church Fathers and Doctors, are drawn together to create a more historical account of events. The Navarre Bible Old Testament is considered one of the top study bibles for Catholics due to its easy to read, informative content.

Each volume is self-contained, with wide-ranging general introductions, introductions to each Biblical book, a table of sources cited, maps, and informative notes. Scholarly and readable, these volumes are a comprehensive intellectual, historical, and spiritual survey of the riches of the Old Testament.

The area of Navarre is currently split between the nations of Spain and France along the western Pyrenees. The Navarre region of Spain is the location of the University of Navarre, where the Navarre bible extracts its name. The University of Navarre or Navarra is a private pontifical university founded in 1952 by Saint Josemaria Escriva de Balaguer, founder of Opus Dei. Today it is considered one of Spains top universities.



Chronicles - Maccabees


The Psalms and Song of Solomon

Major Prophets

Minor Prophets

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